Reviews and methods
Reviews and methods
Agerer R. (2013): Exploration and exploitation strategies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 114: 201 219.
Agerer R., Hartmann A., Pritsch K., Raidl S., Schloter M., Verma R., Weigt R. (2012): Plants and Their Ectomycorrhizosphere: Cost and Benefit of Symbiotic Soil Organisms. In Matyssek R., Schnyder H., Oßwald W., Ernst D., Munch J.C., Pretzsch H. (eds.), Growth and Defence in Plants, Ecological Studies 220, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg., pp. 217.
Agerer R., Hartmann A., Pritsch K., Raidl S., Schloter M., Verma R., Weigt R. (2012): Plants and Their Ectomycorrhizosphere: Cost and Benefit of Symbiotic Soil Organisms. In Matyssek R., Schnyder H., Oßwald W., Ernst D., Munch J.C., Pretzsch H. (eds.), Growth and Defence in Plants, Ecological Studies 220, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg., pp. 213 242.
Agerer R., Rambold G. (2004–2011 [first posted on 2004 06 01; most recent update: 2011 01 10]): DEEMY – An Information System for Characterization and Determination of Ectomycorrhizae. – München, Germany.
Agerer R. (2009): Bedeutung der Ektomykorrhiza für Waldökosysteme. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie, Bd. 37, Ökologische Rolle von Pilzen. Pfeil, München, pp. 111 121.
Agerer R. (2007): Diversity of ectomycorrhizae as seen from below and above ground: the exploration types. Z Mykol 73(1): 61 88.
Agerer R. (2006): Fungal relationships and structural identity of their ectomycorrhizae. Mycol Progress 5(2): 67 107.
Raidl S., Bonfigli R., Agerer R. (2005): Calibration of quantitative real time Taqman PCR by correlation with hyphal biomass and ITS copies in mycelia of Piloderma croceum. Plant Biol 7(6): 713 717.
Agerer R. (2005): Baumgattungen und ihre Mykorrhizapartner. In Fröhlich H.J. (ed) Vitalisierung von Bäumen. Monumente Publikationen, Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalsschutz, Bonn, pp. 50 64.
Agerer R. (2003): Das System der Pilze aus neuerer Sicht. Mycoses 46 (Supp. 1): 2 – 14.
Agerer R., Ammirati J., Baroni T.J., Blanz P., Courtecuisse R., Desjardin D.E., Gams W., Hallenberg N., Halling R., Hawksworth D.L., Horak E., Korf R.P., Mueller G.M., Oberwinkler F., Rambold G., Summerbell R.C., Triebel D., Watling R. (2000): Always deposit vouchers. Applied Soil Ecology 15: 295 298/ Can J Bot 787: 981 983/ Mycol Res 104(6): 642 644/ Mycorrhiza 10(2): 95 97/ Mycotaxon 76: 489 493/ Newsl Myc Soc America 51(5): 2 4/ Nord J Bot 20(2): 221 234/ Nova Hedwigia 71(3 4): 539 543
Agerer R. (1999): Mycorrhizae: Ectotrophic and ectendotrophic mycorrhizae. Progress Botany 60: 471 – 501
Palfner G., Agerer R. (1998): Tecnicas modernas para estudiar ectomicorrizas. In Fortunato R., Bacigalupo N. (eds) Proceedings of the VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Botanica. Monogr Syst Bot Miss Bot Gard 68: 407 – 413
Agerer R. (1997): Mycorrhizae: Ectotrophic and ectendotrophic mycorrhizae. Progress Botany 58: 521 – 554
Rambold G., Agerer R. (1997): DEEMY - the concept of a characterization and determination system for ectomycorrhiae. Mycorrhiza 7: 113 – 116
Agerer R. (1996): Characterization of ectomycorrhizae: a historical overview. Descr Ectomyc 1: 1 – 22
Agerer R. (1996): Ectomycorrhizae in the fungal community: with special emphasis on interactions betweeen ectomycorrhizal fungi. In Azcon-Aguilar C., Barea J.M. (eds) Mycorrhizas in integrated systems from genes to plant development. Brussels, pp 52 – 57
Agerer R., Rambold G. (1996): DEEMY a DELTA-based Information System for characterization and DEtermination of EctoMYcorrhizae. Section Mycology, Institute for Systematic Botany, University of München
Agerer R. (1995): Mycorrhizae: Ectomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Progress Botany 56: 430 – 456
Agerer R. (1995): Index of unidentified ectomycorrhizae IV. Names and identifications published 1993 – 1994. Mycorrhiza 5: 449 – 450
Agerer R. (1995): Anatomical characteristics of ectomycorrhizae: an attempt towards a natural classification. In Varma A.K., Hock B. (eds) Mycorrhiza: structure, function, molecular biology and biotechnology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 685 – 734
Agerer R. (1994): Index of unidentified ectomycorrhizae III. Names and identifications published in 1992. Mycorrhiza 4: 183 – 184
Agerer R. (1993): Index of unidentified ectomycorrhizae II. - Names and identifications published in 1991. Mycorrhiza 2: 183
Agerer R. (1993): Mykorrhiza. Unterr. Biol. 183: 46 – 48
Agerer R. (1993): Mycorrhizae: Ectomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Progress Botany 54: 505 – 529
Agerer R. (1991): Index of unidentified ectomycorrhizae I. Names and identifications published 1986 – 1990. Mycorrhiza 1: 45 – 46
Agerer R. (1991): Characterization of ectomycorrhiza. In Norris J.R., Read D.J., Varma A.K. (eds): Techniques for the study of mycorrhiza. Methods Microbiology 23: 25 – 73
Cairnay J.W.G., Jennings D.H., Agerer R. (1991): The nomenclature of fungal multi-hyphal linear aggregates. Crypt. Bot. 2/3: 246 – 251
Agerer R. ed (1987-1998): Colour Atlas of Ectomycorrhizae. 1st – 11th delivery. Einhorn-Verlag, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Agerer R., Brand F., Gronbach E. (1986): Die exakte Kenntnis der Ektomykorrhizen als Voraussetzung für Feinwurzeluntersuchungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Waldsterben. AFZ 1986(20): 497 – 503, 509