Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants

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Büsra Sahin

Büsra Sahin

Master student Evolution, Ecology and Systematics


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Biologie
Systematik, Biodiversität & Evolution der Pflanzen
Menzinger Str. 67
80638 München

Room: 127, 1st floor
Phone: +49 89 17861-299

Work group

Prof. Gottschling

Research projects and interests

  • Currently I am working on a 3D model of the Dinophyte Durinskia oculata. For this my supervisor is Prof. Martin Heß and my Co-Supervisor is Prof. Marc Gottschling.
  • I am also doing a research practical with Prof. Gottschling on some Dinophytes from the group Borghiella.
  • I am also in charge for social media posts regarding the "eintauchen" Project (aso check here), which is supervised by Prof. Gottschling.
  • My research interests are very diverse but currently I am very happy to be able to work with Dinophytes. Especially Dinophyte chromosomes are very fascinating.