Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants

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Summer term courses

General information on studying biology at LMU can be found on the websites of the Faculty of Biology.

Detailed information on the courses offered by the section “Systematics, biodiversity and evolution of plants” can be found below. To sign up for a course, please use the LSF or email the course supervisor directly.

Summer term:

BSc, teacher
Artenvielfalt Botanik (Bestimmungsübungen an mitteleuropäischen Gefäßpflanzen) mit Exkursionen
Bestimmungsübungen zum Erwerb von Artenkenntnis der einheimischen Flora. Mit Hilfe von Bestimmungsliteratur (und Bestimmungs-Apps) werden Vertreter der wichtigsten einheimischen Familien bestimmt. Die Studierenden erwerben dabei Kenntnisse in Familien- und Gattungsmerkmalen und sind in der Lage diese im Gelände anzusprechen. Die allgemeine Artenkenntnis wird verbessert.
Kadereit, Facher, Fleischmann, Zerdoner Calasan

Organismische Biologie - Formen- und Artenvielfalt
Lerninhalte sind theoretische und praktische Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie, der Botanik und der Zoologie. Methodisch werden grundlegende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten für die Mikroskopie sowie der Formen- und Artenvielfalt von Mikroorganismen (inkl. Prokaryoten), Pflanzen (Embryophyta) und Tiere (Metazoa) vermittelt. Darüber hinaus werden Studierende in der Interpretation von Daten geschult.
Beck, Gottschling, Messerschmid, Siadjeu, Veranso-Libalah, Werth
BSc, teacher
Vorlesung zum Praktikum zur Artenvielfalt (Bestimmungsübungen an mitteleuropäischen Gefäßpflanzen)
Die Vorlesung führt in die Artenvielfalt der Gefäßpflanzen in der heimischen Flora ein. Es wird in die Diversität, Ökologie, Standorte, Blütenbiologie und Eigenheiten heimischer Pflanzen eingeführt. Im begleitenden Prakikum werden Kenntnisse des Ansprechens von Pflanzen unter Verwendung von Bestimmungsliteratur und Bestimmungs-Apps vermittelt. Durch Exkursionen in floristisch interessante Gebiet in der Umgebung von München werden diese Kenntnisse angewendet und vertieft.
Kadereit, Fleischmann, Zerdoner Calasan
BSc, MSc, teacher
Alpine flora and vegetation
In this lecture the students will learn about alpine flora and vegetation, i.e. the diversity, origin and ecology of alpine plants. The lecture covers (1) the geology, orogenesis and geomorphology of the European Alps, (2) physiological and ecological adaptations of plants to alpine conditions, (3) ecological aspects such as nutrient acquisition strategies under extreme conditions and pollination biology of high alpine plants, (4) the synecology of plants, alpine vegetation types and vegetation gradients, and (5) alpine biodiversity and origin of alpine flora elements. Effects of global change and human impact on alpine biodiversity will also be discussed in the lecture.
module (VL/S/P)
3+3+3 ECTS
BSc, MSc, teacher
Morphology, diversity and evolution of seed plants
The lecture builds on the Bachelor's level and covers the morphological diversity and distribution of seed plants based on (also molecular) phylogenetic analyses published in the past years. The seminar covers current topics related to the lecture, and students will prepare an oral (PowerPoint) presentation (30 min) based on own literature search. Afterwards, the talk is discussed regarding to scientific content (30 min) and methodological approach (30 min). The practical course is based on physical specimens (fresh material from the Botanical Garden as well as pickled material). The lecture is prerequisite for the practical course.
BSc, MSc
Plant adaptation to extreme environments
Each student will present and discuss a publication on plant adaptation to one or more environmental stressors.
Kadereit, Beck, Fleischmann,
Messerschmid, Rodewald, Zerdoner Calasan
BSc, MSc
Plant adaptation to extreme environments
The course introduces and investigates the biology (morphology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, reproduction) of plants living under extreme growing conditions, such as hydrophytes, halophytes, xerophytes, epiphytes, carnivorous plants, parasitic plants, alpine and arctic plants and lichens.
Further information
Kadereit, Beck, Fleischmann,
Messerschmid, Rodewald, Zerdoner Calasan
BSc, MSc
Evolution of Flowers: Morphology and Function
Each student will present and discuss a publication on flower function and evolution in a certain plant taxon. Possible subtopics are pollination, adaptation, floral trait evolution and co-evolution.
Kadereit, Joyce, Veranso-Libalah


BSc, MSc
Evolution of Flowers: Morphology and Function
The course provides a broad overview of the morphology, diversity and evolution of angiosperms with focus on large families/orders. Students will learn that flower morphology is constantly changing in course of angiosperm evolution to ensure effective pollination in diverse ecological contexts. At the end of the course, the students are expected to know how to interpret the morphology of a flower, make an educated guess about its position in the angiosperm tree and the possible pollinators. Each course day would include a short lecture and visits to the Botanical Garden to see further examples and collect some material to be studied in the lab. Students are required to submit a protocol at the end of each course day for the species studied.

Kadereit, Joyce, Veranso-Libalah

BSc, MSc, teacher
Flora and vegetation of the European Alps
In the practical excursion, the students will learn about alpine flora and vegetation directly in the field, during a one-week excursion to the Central Alps/Eastern Alps or South-western Alps. The covered topics during field excursions cover the synecology of plants, alpine vegetation types and vegetation gradients with elevation, as well as ecological aspects, such as adaptations of plants to alpine conditions, adaptation to different soil types (basic knowledge of geology and geomorphology of the European Alps will be given), nutrient acquisition strategies under extreme conditions, and pollination biology of high alpine plants. The course will train plant identification skills, and will give basic knowledge in plant collection, documentation, herborization for taxonomy and scientific use, and additionally illustrates to the students how to do vegetation mapping and floristic surveys (including georeferetiation of biological observations and specimen data).
Fleischmann, Facher